Style Tips For Plus Size Women

Style Tips For Plus Size Women

I know a lot of us are completely happy with how we look, and never worry about what we look like or how we’re dressed. Unfortunately, I’m not one of those women. While I’m happy being the size I am, I still dress to minimize my plumpness. Not sure why – perhaps that’s for another article!

So I’ve got a few tips on the following pages – just things that I’ve picked up along my journey through life. I hope they’re helpful to you – my aim is to enable larger women to feel comfortable and secure, and proud of who they are.

I know a lot of you are proud of yourselves already, but some of us need a little help from time to time. Enjoy!

Dark Colors: I find that dark colors hide shadows in my clothes that my wobbly bits create, where as light colors emphasize the … READ MORE ...

Comfort Vs Style, Who Wins at the End of the Day?

Comfort Vs Style, Who Wins at the End of the Day?

First of all, I want you to imagine a world where people can just wear anything they want on any occasion, time, and place, without any prejudice, stereotype, or whatsoever. There will be WAY less people wearing suits and heels, and of course, we will see more flip-flops, rubber sandals (if you know what I mean), and sneakers. But of course, no such world exists, because people naturally live by image and rules

Why do we wear painful, itchy, and sometimes even frustrating piece of clothing everywhere? For office workers, it’s obvious that they’re following the dress code in their respective workplaces. Besides, wearing a suit -for a guy- screams authority and confidence, so people would most likely think highly at you. For a woman, wearing a pair of high heels boosts confidence and posture at the same time, although all women know how uncomfortable they are for any activity … READ MORE ...

The Inedible Ingredients For Cooking To Impress A Beautiful Woman

How to Make a Beautiful Woman Fall in Love With YOU!The Inedible Ingredients For Cooking To Impress A Beautiful Woman

A large percentage of men from all elements of the entire world wish to have the prettiest, sexiest and hottest women as there girl, yet it’s unfortunate that just one or two of such men become successful. Some of such men find it quite challenging meeting these pretty females and after they do, they end up always discouraged. These are the men that ask questions like “how to draw in beautiful women, how to seduce women easily and properly”

– Are you placing woman over a pedestal she doesn’t belong on simply depending on her looks

– That is what happens

– Before a unitary word comes out of the attractive woman’s mouth, most guys have already propelled her to the peak shelf and become she’s much better than them

– The worst part is man, guys have over … READ MORE ...