How Humor Must Aid Your Dating Confidence

Dating confidence. It’s something we all want, but some of us are just better at it than others. If you’re someone who tends to shy away from dating or social situations because you’re afraid of being rejected or because you’re worried about what other people think about you, then humor can be your best friend—and that’s especially true if you have a deadpan sense of humor. We’ll explain why below!

Dating confidence is about being comfortable in your own skin.

Dating confidence is about being comfortable in your own skin. You don’t need to be a model or look like one on the outside, but you must feel good about yourself and dress for the personality that comes out when you’re around other people. If you’re not sure what that means, here are some tips:

  • Dress for yourself–not for anyone else. There’s nothing wrong with dressing up from time to time and showing off what makes you unique (and this can include wearing clothes that aren’t generally considered “cool” or “hipster”). But if there’s something more casual that makes more sense for who YOU are as an individual, then go ahead and wear it! Don’t worry so much about what others think; instead, focus on finding outfits that make YOU feel confident in who YOU are.
  • Know thyself…and thy partner(s). Before getting serious with someone new, take time get know them well enough so that both parties understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses–both physically AND mentally/emotionally speaking–in order to avoid any surprises later down the road when things start getting serious between two people who maybe weren’t quite ready yet emotionally speaking due too early rush decisions made based solely upon physical attraction alone without taking advantage first chance possible opportunity available now before anyone else takes away everything good
Important Factors to Consider When Choosing the Right Botox Training Course

To become a successful Botox practitioner you need to ensure that you have the proper qualifications, credentials and accreditations required for clients to trust you to deliver the best possible results possible. To gain all of this, you need to find the right Botox training course.

There are dozens of Botox training courses available, which makes it hard to know which can be trusted. There are some important factors to consider when choosing the right one, you should always consider these factors;

The Practioner Training You

The first thing you need to check when looking at all the different Botox training courses is who the practitioner is that will be undergoing the training. You should always make sure that they have extensive knowledge and experience in delivering Botox treatments and in training people. All training academies should make it clear about who will be training you and their credentials, this way you can get to know your trainee before you attend the course. Do your research into your trainee and check their background.

The Location & Clinic

This is also another important fact to consider. Firstly, the training should be undergone in a clean and professional clinic. Botox is a medical product, therefore it should be practised in a medical professional environment, not a hair salon or beauty clinic. If the course is taking place in a low-quality clinic, then this is not setting a good example of the high-quality delivery that clients will expect from Botox treatments.


No matter where you undergo your training, they always need to be safe. You should always come away with the confidence that you can treat your very own patients safely when leaving. You also need to be able to hear and see everything that you are being taught, therefore, it is … READ MORE ...

Preventive Care For Women

Women need to get regular preventive care, just like men. Here are some of the most important services that you should be getting regularly:

Pap Smear

A Pap smear is a test that checks for signs of cervical cancer. It’s one of the most important things you can do to protect your health, but many women don’t get them as often as they should.

A Pap smear is an exam performed by your doctor or nurse to check for changes in your cervix that could lead to cervical cancer. It involves taking a sample of cells from your cervix and looking at them under a microscope so we can see if they’re abnormal or not. The test helps detect abnormal cells before they start showing up on routine pelvic exams (which happen when you go in for birth control).

Pap smears are recommended beginning at age 21 and should be done every three years until age 30; after 30 years old, they should be done every five years unless otherwise advised by your provider or healthcare team member based on risk factors such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs), smoking history and/or other medical conditions like diabetes mellitus which put you at higher risk for developing this disease type

Breast Cancer Screening

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. It’s also one of the most preventable, but it can be hard to know when and how often you should get screened for breast cancer.

There are several risk factors for breast cancer: age (the older you are, the more likely it is that you’ll develop it), family history (if anyone in your family has had breast or ovarian cancer), previous radiation exposure or treatment for Hodgkin lymphoma or other cancers like leukemia or lymphoma, obesity (being overweight), having dense … READ MORE ...

How To Prepare For Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of great joy and excitement, but it can also be a time of worry. You’ll want to do everything you can to ensure a safe pregnancy and delivery. In some cases, this means getting prenatal care from your doctor or midwife as early as possible in the pregnancy. It may also mean preparing for baby financially and emotionally.

Understand the signs of pregnancy.

  • Understand the signs of pregnancy.

There are many different ways to tell if you’re pregnant, including:* Missed period (the most obvious sign). If you’re not sure when your last period was, check with a calendar or use an online tool like’s fertility calculator to figure out when it should have been. If you don’t get your period within three weeks after that date, it’s time to take a pregnancy test!

  • Changes in body temperature and cravings can also be indicators that something is up with your body.* Other possible early symptoms include fatigue or dizziness (especially if these were not issues before), nausea or vomiting (which may come on suddenly), tender breasts (though these may be caused by hormone changes rather than pregnancy itself), frequent urination–and especially if accompanied by a dark coloration of urine–and constipation.* While none of these symptoms alone are definitive proof that you’re expecting a baby just yet; if they appear together over several days in succession then there could be cause for concern!

See your doctor.

As soon as you think that you might be pregnant, see your doctor. It’s important to confirm or deny the pregnancy as soon as possible so that if there are any health concerns, they can be addressed right away. The doctor may do a blood test to determine whether or not there are any issues with the fetus and its development.… READ MORE ...

How It Feels Having Anxiety As A Young Woman

Depression is a common mental health condition that can affect anyone. However, the age of onset for depression is getting younger. Anxiety is one of the most common mental health conditions in the United States. Women tend to be more emotional than men, and they’re more likely to share their feelings with others. Those who get anxiety as young adults may also suffer from depression or other mental health issues later in life. Mental health disorders can be treated, and understanding how they feel can help you cope with them

Depression is a common mental health condition that can affect anyone.

Depression is a common mental health condition that can affect anyone. It’s not just feeling sad, it’s a serious illness that can be treated.

Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses in the UK and affects people of all ages, backgrounds and genders. It’s estimated to affect around 1 in 4 people at some point in their life, but it’s often undiagnosed because we don’t talk about it enough. Depression isn’t something you should suffer alone; there are lots of ways to get support if you think you might have depression:

  • Speak to someone close to you – friends or family members who care about you will want to help if they know how depressed you feel
  • Visit your GP – they may be able to recommend different treatments for depression depending on what works best for each individual person

However, the age of onset for depression is getting younger.

However, the age of onset for depression is getting younger. According to a study by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), in 2017 over 7 percent of adolescents ages 12 to 17 had experienced at least one major depressive episode in the past year–a higher percentage … READ MORE ...