Dating Advice For Recovered Nice Guys

If you’re a recovering nice guy, you know that being a codependent is no joke. In fact, it can be downright debilitating. But don’t worry! Recovery from codependency requires understanding where it comes from and how it manifests itself in your relationships, which is what this guide will help you do. We’ll look at the common symptoms of being a recovering nice guy and break down why they happen—so that you can create healthier relationships and learn how to take better care of yourself along the way.

You’re a recovering nice guy.

You’re a recovering nice guy. You might have low self-esteem, or you may be codependent. You don’t know how to stand up for yourself and make your needs known, so you end up doing whatever other people want.

You probably have some good qualities–you’re loyal, polite and caring–but they’ve been overshadowed by the fact that you’ve been so focused on making others happy that you lost sight of what makes YOU happy in the first place!

You might have low self-esteem.

As a recovering Nice Guy, you might have low self-esteem. Low self-esteem is often caused by childhood experiences (e.g., abuse, neglect) or the way you were raised by your parents. It can also be the result of feeling like you are not good enough in some way: maybe you’re not smart enough, athletic enough or attractive enough for other people to love and accept you as an individual. The good news is that there are steps that can help improve your self-esteem so that it feels stronger than ever before!

You may be codependent.

If you find yourself in a relationship with a woman who is emotionally unavailable, you might be codependent.

Codependency is defined as a pattern of unhealthy behavior that stems from an addiction to … READ MORE ...