Bodyweight Workouts For Women

Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned athlete, these bodyweight workouts can help you get stronger and build endurance.

Squeeze play

Squeeze play

This exercise targets the inner thighs and can help you achieve that coveted thigh gap. To perform it, lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Press down through your heels while keeping shoulders flat against the ground; then lift one leg up until it’s parallel with the floor (or as close as you can get). Squeeze those inner thighs together for two seconds before lowering and repeating with opposing leg; do this 15 times per set. Rest 60 seconds between sets if needed!

Lateral lunge and squeeze

Lateral lunges and squeezes are a great way to tone your legs. To do this exercise, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold both hands in front of you for support. Step out … READ MORE ...