Are Low-Cost Cosmetics Damaging Our Face Skin? How to Know a Brand Product is a Quality Guarantee?

For many women, makeup plays a fundamental role in personal care, as it helps to enhance the beauty and hide certain imperfections and unsightly features of our face. Just applying a little foundation, eyeliner, blush on the cheeks, eye shadow on the lids, mascara on the eyelashes, and a good lipstick can greatly improve our image and have a positive effect on our self-esteem. Although makeup can be a great ally in our day to day to show off a radiant face, it can also represent a huge risk to our health if we do not realize its authenticity and the ingredients that make it up. Today there are multiple makeup brands in physical and virtual stores that surprise us with their low and accessible prices, but we must be very careful before falling into the temptation of purchasing some of these products. In this opportunity, we will talk about … READ MORE ...