How To Prepare For Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of great joy and excitement, but it can also be a time of worry. You’ll want to do everything you can to ensure a safe pregnancy and delivery. In some cases, this means getting prenatal care from your doctor or midwife as early as possible in the pregnancy. It may also mean preparing for baby financially and emotionally.

Understand the signs of pregnancy.

  • Understand the signs of pregnancy.

There are many different ways to tell if you’re pregnant, including:* Missed period (the most obvious sign). If you’re not sure when your last period was, check with a calendar or use an online tool like’s fertility calculator to figure out when it should have been. If you don’t get your period within three weeks after that date, it’s time to take a pregnancy test!

  • Changes in body temperature and cravings can also be indicators that something is up with your body.* Other possible early symptoms include fatigue or dizziness (especially if these were not issues before), nausea or vomiting (which may come on suddenly), tender breasts (though these may be caused by hormone changes rather than pregnancy itself), frequent urination–and especially if accompanied by a dark coloration of urine–and constipation.* While none of these symptoms alone are definitive proof that you’re expecting a baby just yet; if they appear together over several days in succession then there could be cause for concern!

See your doctor.

As soon as you think that you might be pregnant, see your doctor. It’s important to confirm or deny the pregnancy as soon as possible so that if there are any health concerns, they can be addressed right away. The doctor may do a blood test to determine whether or not there are any issues with the fetus and its development.… READ MORE ...

How It Feels Having Anxiety As A Young Woman

Depression is a common mental health condition that can affect anyone. However, the age of onset for depression is getting younger. Anxiety is one of the most common mental health conditions in the United States. Women tend to be more emotional than men, and they’re more likely to share their feelings with others. Those who get anxiety as young adults may also suffer from depression or other mental health issues later in life. Mental health disorders can be treated, and understanding how they feel can help you cope with them

Depression is a common mental health condition that can affect anyone.

Depression is a common mental health condition that can affect anyone. It’s not just feeling sad, it’s a serious illness that can be treated.

Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses in the UK and affects people of all ages, backgrounds and genders. It’s estimated to affect around 1 in 4 people at some point in their life, but it’s often undiagnosed because we don’t talk about it enough. Depression isn’t something you should suffer alone; there are lots of ways to get support if you think you might have depression:

  • Speak to someone close to you – friends or family members who care about you will want to help if they know how depressed you feel
  • Visit your GP – they may be able to recommend different treatments for depression depending on what works best for each individual person

However, the age of onset for depression is getting younger.

However, the age of onset for depression is getting younger. According to a study by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), in 2017 over 7 percent of adolescents ages 12 to 17 had experienced at least one major depressive episode in the past year–a higher percentage … READ MORE ...

How Anti-Aging Ingredients Can Help You Age Beautifully


Aging gracefully is a goal that all of us can agree on. However, we’re not all aging in the same way and at the same rate. Some people look years younger than they are, while others show their age early on. With so many anti-aging products on the market today – from serums to creams and more – it’s easy to wonder if any of them actually work. The truth is that some do but many don’t (or at least not as well as you’d like). That said, there are ingredients out there that can help minimize wrinkles, fine lines and discoloration in ways both immediate and long-term:

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect your skin from sun damage and environmental toxins. Vitamin C also promotes collagen production, which keeps your skin firm and youthful looking. It even helps reduce inflammation!

If you want to know how to age beautifully, consider adding vitamin C into your diet or using products with it in them (like this one).

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that helps protect the skin from free radicals. When you’re young, your body produces enough of its own vitamin E to keep your skin looking healthy and youthful. But as you age, it becomes harder for your body to produce enough of this essential nutrient on its own. That’s why we suggest adding foods high in vitamin E into your diet–such as nuts, seeds and avocados–to boost its effects on aging skin.

Vitamin E can also help reduce wrinkles and protect against sun damage; some studies have shown that people who consume more than 15 milligrams per day (the recommended daily amount) have less wrinkled skin than those who don’t get enough of this nutrient through their diets alone!


Balancing Calories for Women

When it comes to dieting, there are a lot of myths and old wives’ tales that get in the way of making good decisions. What’s worse is that some people will even tell you they’ve got the best solution for everyone, no matter what your body type or activity level. This article will explain how you can use science and math to determine just how many calories you need on a daily basis so that you can make an informed decision about what kind of diet will work best for you.

What are calories?

  • Calories are a measure of energy. They tell you how much energy is in the food that you eat, which helps your body function and grow.
  • The amount of calories in an apple is different from the amount of calories in an orange or an avocado–even though they all have approximately the same number of grams (or even ounces) per serving size!

How many calories do women need?

So how many calories do you need?

The answer depends on your age, height, weight and activity level. The average woman needs about 2200-2500 calories per day to maintain her weight. But if you’re over the age of 51 and have a BMI over 25 (which means that you are overweight), then your recommended daily intake will be higher than this.

Calorie requirements can vary considerably depending on how much sleep we get each night – studies show that people who sleep less tend to eat more food throughout the day. So if your aim is to lose weight or maintain it at a healthy level then getting enough rest every night is essential for keeping control over what goes into your mouth!

Factoring in activity level

Factoring in your activity level is important because it can affect … READ MORE ...

Healthy Hair Tips For Brown Skinned Women

We all want healthy, beautiful hair. And regardless of your skin tone, you can have that with a little TLC. Read on for some simple tips to keep your brown locks shiny and strong!

Moisturize your hair.

Moisturizing your hair is an important part of the process. If you have dry, brittle or damaged hair, it won’t be able to grow as long and healthy as it should. Use a deep conditioning mask at least once a week to help soften your strands and keep them from breaking off.

For best results:

  • Wash your hair with a moisturizing shampoo that contains ingredients such as coconut oil or avocado oil (these will also help strengthen the follicle).
  • Follow up by applying a deep conditioning mask made with argan oil on all parts of your scalp; leave this on for 15 minutes before rinsing off in the shower

Shampoo regularly.

Shampooing your hair is a great way to remove excess oil and dirt, but it’s important to do so in moderation. If you shampoo too often, it can strip away the natural oils that protect your hair and make it feel dry and brittle. How often should you shampoo? It depends on your specific situation:

  • If your scalp tends to produce an excess amount of sebum (the oily substance secreted by skin glands), then daily washing may be necessary for you.
  • If your scalp produces just enough sebum for healthy hair growth but not too much or too little, then every other day would be ideal for keeping things under control without stripping away all of those beneficial nutrients from the follicles themselves!
  • If the only time that happens with me is when I’m sick with a cold (and thus have runny noses), then once every three days should suffice nicely until