How To Increase The Amount Of Vaginal Lubrication

How To Increase The Amount Of Vaginal Lubrication

You’re a busy person. You have to get up early in the morning and look at yourself in the mirror. Then you have to go to work, where you sit at your desk and stare at your computer screen for hours on end. You want nothing more than for it all to be over so you can go home and curl up with Netflix or go out with friends. But unfortunately, there’s this one thing stopping you: dryness. Yes, even though sex is supposed to be fun and exciting, sometimes it can also be painful—especially if you have vaginal dryness (also known as dyspareunia). It’s estimated that between 30% to 50% of women experience this condition at some point during their lives. There are many reasons why vaginal lubrication may fall short during sex or foreplay; however, there are a few practical steps that can help increase your natural production of moisture throughout the course of an intimate encounter or make time alone together feel more comfortable:

Make time for intimacy.

You should make time for intimacy with your partner. This does not mean that you have to have sex every week, but it does mean that you should be in the habit of having sex at least once every two weeks. It is important for both partners to feel like they are getting what they need from the relationship, whether it be physical or emotional intimacy.

Do kegel exercises.

Kegel exercises are a great way to increase vaginal lubrication. These simple exercises can be done anywhere and at any time, and they have numerous benefits for women’s health and sexual satisfaction.

The first thing you need to know about kegel exercises is that they’re not just for women who want stronger orgasms or more intense arousal–they’re also an excellent way of preventing urinary incontinence (UI) in midlife and beyond. UI is increasingly common as we age, but it doesn’t have to be an inevitable part of getting older! Kegels strengthen the pelvic floor muscles that support our bladder, urethra, vagina and rectum so they can better support us during activities like laughing out loud or sneezing without leaking urine.*

In addition to helping prevent UI problems later in life by strengthening these critical muscles now while they’re still young enough*.*

Use a lubricant.

One of the best ways to increase vaginal lubrication is by using a lubricant. Lubricants can help reduce pain during sex and make penetration more comfortable for both partners. There are various types of lubricants, including water-based, silicone-based (which includes silicone toys), and oil-based (like coconut oil). Most lubricants are safe to use with condoms but some may cause irritation or allergic reactions so it’s important to check with your healthcare provider before trying one out if you have sensitive skin or allergies.

Consider changing your diet.

Dietary changes may help with vaginal dryness. If you’re not eating enough fruits and vegetables, consider adding them to your diet. Avoid sugar, alcohol and caffeine as they can cause temporary dryness as well. Spicy foods also have a dehydrating effect on the body, so avoid them if possible (or at least don’t eat spicy foods on an empty stomach).

If you have already been eating healthy but still experience vaginal dryness, try increasing your intake of omega-3 fatty acids (found in fish such as salmon) or lean proteins such as chicken breast or tofu for a week or two to see if that makes any difference in how quickly your body produces lubrication during sex. Also consider increasing whole grains like wheat breads which contain phytochemicals called lignans that help boost estrogen levels naturally without stimulants like caffeine

Try supplements and herbal remedies.

If you’re looking for a supplement or herbal remedy that can help, there are several options. You can find supplements at most health food stores and some pharmacies. Herbal remedies may take longer to start working, but they don’t have the same side effects as some of the prescription medications listed above. The downside? They’re generally more expensive than supplements and can be hard to find in stores (you’ll likely need to order them online).

If these options aren’t appealing enough–or if they don’t work well enough–your doctor may prescribe lubrifiant vaginal creams or gels that contain ingredients like glycerin and propylene glycol (which helps increase blood flow), hyaluronic acid (which keeps moisture in), aloe vera gel (good for sensitive skin), vitamin E oil (an antioxidant) and other moisturizing agents such as lactic acid or urea hydroxypropyltrienolamine

Increased vaginal lubrication may help you feel more comfortable with sex, and it can also help prevent the pain of dryness.

If you’re experiencing vaginal dryness, it can make sex uncomfortable and painful. Pain during intercourse may also be a sign of other health problems such as vaginal infections or even cancer. Increased vaginal lubrication may help you feel more comfortable with sex, and it can also help prevent the pain of dryness.

If you experience vaginal dryness on a regular basis–or if your partner complains about your lack of natural lubrication–you might want to talk with your doctor about what’s causing this issue in order to find out how best to address it.

If you’re experiencing vaginal dryness, it can be a painful and frustrating experience. But there are ways to alleviate the symptoms and even prevent them from happening in the first place. We hope this article has given you some insight into how to increase vaginal lubrication, so that you can get back to enjoying sex with your partner!

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